Wellness Gift Guide

It’s that time, my friends. The gift giving season! I love giving gifts, but everyone has so much stuff that I hesitate. I want to know I’m spending my money wisely and that the gift will be of value to the receiver. No meaningless tchotchkes here. Do you have a friend or family member that’s into wellness but have no idea what to get them? I got you!

A History of Halloween

don’t really enjoy horror or gore, but I love this time of year! I was always curious about the truth behind the stories I had heard so I became informed and I love talking about the real history behind the holiday. The true history of Halloween.

Do You Believe There is an Afterlife?

.  I was certain that there was more going on than what we could see in our daily lives. Now, as an adult, I know that there are many belief systems that have their own ideas; some are very similar and some are different. I find them all fascinating and comforting in the undeniable similarities In case you are interested, here’s a brief description of afterlife beliefs from around the world.

The Moon: The Basics

Most of us know that the tides are controlled by the moon.  Similarly, our bodies are affected because we are made of approximately 60% water.  If the Earth’s bodies of water are subject to the moon, certainly our bodies are as well.