Wellness Gift Guide

It’s that time, my friends. The gift giving season! I love giving gifts, but everyone has so much stuff that I hesitate. I want to know I’m spending my money wisely and that the gift will be of value to the receiver. No meaningless tchotchkes here.

Do you have a friend or family member that’s into wellness but have no idea what to get them? I got you!

10 Gifts For Your Wellness Buddy

Oral B Electric Toothbrush

It sounds like weird gift, but if someone doesn’t have an electric toothbrush, then they don’t want to spend the money on themselves because the clean is immensely superior to that of a regular manual toothbrush. It doesn’t even compare. Once we switched we could never go back. It’s also a game changer for kids. For various reasons, kids can struggle with cleaning their teeth properly and using an electric toothbrush makes brushing easy and even fun! This model happens to be our favorite.

Small Essential Oil Diffuser

You can never have enough diffusers. Period. I am collecting for every room plus my desk. This one is perfect for an office or bedroom. I also have it in the bathroom. It’s pretty and functional-my favorite!

Himalayan Salt Lamp

Believers in Himalayan Salt claim that they produce negatively charged ions and can help with everything from cleansing the air to improving mood. I am not an expert, but I do love the ambience that the natural salt lamp provides. Who doesn’t love to relax by the soft glow of a Himalayan salt lamp?

Plant Therapy Kid Safe Essential Oil Blends

These essential oil blends are my favorite for my kids. We use them ALL.THE.TIME. I trust this brand and have been using them for almost 10 years. They are high quality and not from an MLM company. No offense to them (I’ve been in my fair share over the years), but this is much easier to acquire without a middle man.

Plant Therapy 7 & 7 Essential Oil Gift Set

all the things I said above, PLUS it’s a great essential gift or starter set.

RestCloud cervical Traction Device (Neck and Shoulder Relaxer)

I know I’m not the only person with neck/shoulder issues. I stretch constantly because I tend to hold my stress tightly in my upper back. This device creates a nice gentle stretch while having the support to really let the muscles release. I got one for my Mom last year- highly recommend!

Ambershine Weighted Heat Pad

This thing is like a cozy, warm hug with the added anxiety relief of a weighted blanket.

Hatch Restore Daylight “Alarm” Clock

How hard is it to get up when it’s still dark out-but who wants the full blast of your bedroom lights waking you up? This is the perfect way to wake because it mimics the rising Sun and supports your natural circadian rhythm.

Theralite Light Therapy Lamp

SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is a type of depression that affects 5% of the adult population in the United States. This usually occurs during the darker, colder times of the year when we are inside and without sufficient exposure to sunlight. This lamp mimics the sunlight and helps to diminish the depression symptoms of SAD.

Gua Sha & Jade Roller Gift Set

Learn about Gua Sha and it’s benefits HERE. These tools are safe, effective and soothing.

Flare Calmer Ear Bud Alternative for Dampening Sound

These ear buds are a game-changer for anyone who hates loud sounds or gets overstimulated by sound. I bought them for one of my children who have always struggled with loud sounds and now I have them. I get super overstimulated in crowds and even in the car or our home when we are all together. These buffer the noise just enough to take the anxiety down. I love these as a stocking stuffer!

Pure Enrichment® PureSpa™ XL 3-in-1 Cool Mist Humidifier, Essential Oil Diffuser & Mood Light

This is my favorite cool mist humidifier of all of the ones I’ve purchased over the years (and there have been many). It’s easy to fill and maintain, it runs for more than a day (great for long sick days/nights), has cool light settings AND I can add essential oils to support emotional and physical well-being.

Thermotex Far Infrared Heating Pad

infrared therapy has a tone of benefits including detoxification, pain relief, reduction of muscle tension, relaxation, improved circulation, weight loss, skin purification, lowered side effects of diabetes, boosting of the immune system and lowering of blood pressure. Pretty amazing, right? This is the one we have and we love it.

Hypervolt 2 Pro Handheld Percussion Massage Gun 

This is one of the most used wellness item that we have in our home. I would say we have used ours daily for 3+ years and it’s still going strong. If you want a high quality percussion massager, this is it!

I really hope that this wellness gift guide helps you to find the perfect gifts for your family and friends. Happy Shopping!