Through seeking information about spirituality and mental wellness, I have heard the term Kundalini mentioned casually among members of the spiritual community.  It is nearly impossible to search for information about spirituality without stumbling upon articles about it. I souonded wonderful and terrifying at the same time. What is true and what is not? I thought it was time to answer my own questions about Kundalini and I hope they answer yours,

What is Kundalini?

Kundalini is divine feminine energy that lays dormant wrapped around the base of the spine (at the root chakra) that can be awakened through certain spiritual practices. When this energy is awakened, it slithers up the spine and reaches the crown chakra where it elevates the consciousness.  

Where Does Kundalini come from?

Kundalini is a Sanskrit word meaning “coiled.” This particular belief is from Hinduism, but is mentioned in other belief systems by different names. For example, in Kabbalah, it is called Shekhinah. 

How Do You Activate Kundalini Energy?

Activating Kundalini energy should only be done when under the guide of someone who has studied it and achieved it themselves. Most often, Kundalini energy is awakened by practicing Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga or Tantra.  However, it can happen spontaneously.  

How Do You Know If You Have Had a Kundalini Awakening?

Some say that you may have a physical sensation of warmth at the base of your spine that spreads upward, a blissful full body sensation or a profound feeling of love and peace, but most symptoms are mental and spiritual.  Once enlightened, you may feel as though you can see the bigger picture of life, the soul and human consciousness.  You may have new empathy and compassion towards people and situations that you normally wouldn’t. You may become inspired to make changes in your life for the better, leaving behind all that doesn’t serve you. You may also receive “downloads” of information or notice synchronicities in your daily life. 

There is also a shadow side to awakening. It’s not evil or dark, but “side effects” of an awakening of a new reality. Some feel as though they are on a bad trip while sober or a divorce from reality. Physical sensations that you may feel in the body may be body shakes, visual and sleep disturbances or jolts of electric type energy and vibrations. At times, you may feel overstimulated and overwhelmed by noise, bright lights, and outside stimuli. I believe this is due to heightened awareness and seeing, feeling and experiencing things that one hadn’t before. 

When someone isn’t ready or spontaneously awakens, it can be uncomfortable physically and mentally because the energy may not be able to flow through your chakras and is diverted by energy blocks. This can happen through things such as trauma or drug use. 

These are common reactions, but there are more that could occur. 

Kundalini Awakening

What is the Difference Between a Kundalini Awakening and  Regular Spiritual Awakening?

Spiritual awakening is an expanding consciousness. Kundalini awakening is the activation of energy laying dormant in your body. Usually a person will have a spiritual awakening and go on to seek Kundalini.

What Happens After a Kundalini Awakening?

As with any energy work, you must take time to integrate what has happened. You will likely have a new outlook or symptoms that take time to get used to. Take it easy, hydrate, eat whole nourishing foods, take an epsom salt bath, ground yourself in the earth, practice mindfulness, etc…

As you can see, a Kundalini Awakening is not to be taken lightly. One should always consult someone experienced when attempting something so transformational. I hope this answered your basic questions. If you have experienced a Kundalini Awakening, please share your experience with us!