“Your Spirit Guides and Angels will never let you down as you build a rapport with them. In the end, they may be the only ones who don’t let you down.”

Linda Deir

Your spirit guides are those that give you a helping hand from the other side.  The spirit world sees the whole picture, not just the limited perspective that we may have from our human post on earth.  They can provide you with guidance through various means, but you must be open to receiving the messages.  

You may wonder how Spirit Guides communicate with us…

There are many ways:

  • Synchronicities – “coincidences”
  • Coins – dimes and nickels found in strange places or at special times
  • Animals – animals that cross your path, particularly ones that you would not normally encounter in that area or in that season. 
  • Feathers – white feathers in particular
  • Gut feelings
  • Messages that repeatedly cross your path – in a book, on a billboard, in a card, etc…
  • Number sequences (repeating numbers)
  • Dreams

Ever experience a coincidence that seems like more than a coincidence?  

For example, “Wow, how weird that thing happened right when I needed it to?”


”How weird that I just happened to receive that random information yesterday that I didn’t know I would need today?”

I do not believe that there is such thing as a coincidence.  Everything happens for a reason.  I am not saying that I want  the death of a person to occur for the benefit of someone else, but I do think that that death may have a ripple effect on the existence of others.  If you pay attention, you will see how an event sets others into motion.  Good or bad, there was a reason. Probably many reasons.  And on the other side of things, the lack of an event could send out a different play of events.  There’s more than one way for things to play out.  There is more than one timeline, dimension, etc… Infinite, probably.

We all receive information from God, or Spirit or Source.  We all have “Others” on the other side.  They send us messages all the time, but if you are hell bent on ignoring them or insisting that they are “just coincidences” then you will not see them/hear them or listen to the guidance.  

Here’s an example of one of those totally “coincidental” things that really wasn’t a coincidence. 

I have lived in the same town my entire life.  Living here for so long, I know my way around, but I don’t necessarily know the names of all of the streets.  On more than one occasion, I have randomly ended up on a road that I am unfamiliar with, so I will make mental note of the street name.  In a few days, someone will try to relay directions to me or describe an area to me and they will mention that street name.  Without knowing about that street, I would have no idea what this person is talking about, but having that information appearing for me just days before, I know exactly what they are talking about.  

There are 7 Types of Spirit Guides

  1. Archangels
  2. Guardian Angels
  3. Lower ranking Angels that may assist your guides
  4. Experienced souls that have lived and learned from previous human lives
  5. Ascended Masters
  6. Spirit Animals
  7. Ancestors or departed loved ones

Spirit guides can be anyone on the other side. Archangels are high ranking angels. They have lots of experience guiding people and protecting them. An example would be Archangel Michael. Guardian Angels are angels that have been assigned to you. These angels may communicate with you or simply watch over you. Lower ranking angels are just that. They aren’t high up on the chain, but they offer assistance when needed or if your main guides may need to attend to others. Some guides are ancestors or loved ones who have crossed over. They care for you and want to help you succeed. Sometimes your guide can be another soul who has lived on Earth and is assigned to help you through your particular set of life circumstances. Spirit animals can be a pet that has passed on, or an actual animal you run into on a hiking trail. It may come to you in a dream or continue to cross paths with you in one form or another. 

As I have mentioned in previous posts, it often comes down to a feeling you get when you experience something

For example, I have seen many butterflies during my years in Pennsylvania,  it recently I am visited by yellow swallowtails almost daily. They are divebombing my car! I feel very adamantly that that they are trying to tell me something, so I looked up what visitations from this butterfly could mean…

Here’s what I found:

  • Happiness and creativity
  • Something exciting could be heading your way
  • A new life
  • Hope and Transformation
  • Positive spiritual experience answered prayers, miracles

I’ll take it!

Do you have any questions about spirit guides? Do you have experiences with your spirit guides that you would like to share? Please comment below!