Crystals are en vogue right now as celebrities sell crystal infused fragrances and makeup companies include them in their color palettes. Spirituality and New Age beliefs often include crystals serving various purposes. But, what is the big deal with crystals? Do they actually heal people? Why are they always depicted in spiritual practices or worn as talismans or amulets? Do they serve a purpose or just look pretty?


The best place to start is with the idea that everything has energy. Trees, rock, people, your desk, everything. Those who believe in the ability of crystals to assist them in any way believe that the stone’s energy interacts with their own. Our energy fluctuates. You hear people talking about positive and negative energy or being high vibe. This is what they are talking about. Positive energy vibrates at a higher frequency, negative is lower. You can feel it when you enter a room. Does it feel inviting or exciting? Or maybe it feels wrong, like you need to leave immediately. They say your gut will always tell the truth.  This is energy and intuition. 

One way that people use crystals is to hold a specific intention based on what the crystal is known for. There are guides in books and online for every stone and what it resonates with. For example, Amethyst is known for boosting immunity, better sleep, relieving migraines, balancing emotions and encouraging sobriety, among other things. Its purpose is to bring balance and clarity physically, emotionally and spiritually. One example of how I use amethyst is to perpetuate balance and healing in myself. I will hold an amethyst in my hands as I meditate on creating balance when I feel there is something “off” with me. I have also created small talismans for friends working on sobriety in different forms. Amethyst is also associated with the third eye and can be brought in when you want to strengthen or harness intuition. 

Another way to use crystals is as a recording device for your own intentions. Life happens, energy will shift, you may lose your way as the day goes on. Be sure that your crystal is cleared and charged, hold it and infuse your intentions for the day, week, etc…and let it hold a container for you so that you have a place to reconnect and  “reset” when necessary. This is why you often see people wearing crystals or carrying them in their pocket (or bra…).


If you are interested in crystal healing or you’ve participated in meditation, mindfulness, yoga or even just search any of them on the internet you will hear or read about the chakra system. The chakra system originated in India and is taken from the Vedas, which are the earliest Sanskrit records and most ancient scriptures of Hinduism. Chakras are energy centers and the seven main chakras run along the center of the body. These energy centers correspond with organs and the E.P.S.M of a person and contain ‘prana’ which is the purest healing energy that flows through us and all around us. This is similar to ‘qi’ in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

This relates to crystals because many crystals are connected to a particular chakra, or vibrate with a similar energy that a chakra does. You can usually tell by the color, which stones correspond to which chakra. For example, Amethysts are usually a purple color and correspond with the third eye/ sixth chakra. The energy that we all have flows through us and everything around us. 

Using crystals and harnessing their energy is not worshipping them or doing anything “magical” (if you’re thinking of potions, wands and brooms…), it’s simply adding a complimentary energy to your daily life just like we listen to our favorite song to improve our mood.