If you know me or have been reading here long, you know that I suffer from migraines.  I have experienced most categories ranging from mild to sever, with aura and without, simple components to bed-ridden.  My migraines have also changed over the last decade so my treatment plans have had to change.

Natural Treatment and Prevention of Migraines.

I started with over the counter ibuprofen and acetaminophen.  Sometimes I even threw in some naproxen and  aspirin.  Excedrine Migraine helped most of the time.  I  came to find out that I had an addiction to pain medication and was actually doing myself more harm.

My Neurologist put me on various combinations of prescription medication for both prevention and treatment at occurrence.  During my first two pregnancies, I was fortunate to not have any migraines (not so lucky during the third pregnancy) and I did not need any intervention.  I have since avoided anything beyond OTC medications, but my condition seems to be returning to what it was before children which means I need better treatment.

My cousin and I have been on a similar journey for the last 15+ years and we always collaborate on our newest findings.  We had an organic conversation the other day about herbal treatment.  I trust what she has to say because she works in the medical community and I love it when we are on the same page!  We had both independently done research and spoken with doctors about alternatives to pumping our bodies with medication that has failed us.  There are 6 supplements that are widely available that are being considered good options for migraine prevention.

Magnesium Oxide

This type of magnesium is found to be as effective as valproate sodium for treating migraines without the side effects and when taken regularly can prevent migraines.


5-HTP is the active precursor to “5-HT (Serotonin) and plays a crucial role in mediating descending pain inhibitory systems and in the pathophysiology of migraine.” (Pubmed)

Treatment for at least 6 months is known to prevent migraines and migraine frequency.


Butterbur extract is made from the leaves and roots of the Butterbur plant and contains compounds called petasins which have anti-inflammatory, anti-spasm, and blood vessel widening properties. This aids in reducing the frequency of migraines. (Healthline)


Feverfew is a common plant found growing along roadsides and fields. It appears as a flower resembling a small daisy. This plant has been used for a wide variety of ailments including migraines because of it’s anti-inflammatory elements. (NCBI)

Riboflavin / B2

B vitamins are often to be found deficient in adults. B2 deficiency can lead to mitochondrial disfunction leading to migraine headache. Supplementing with B2 can help to reduce severity and frequency in migraines. (Pubmed)


CoQ10 is naturally occurring and stored in mitochondria to aid in energy transfer. Mitochondrial damage can lead to cell damage by free radicals. It can be supplemented and used to reduce severity and frequency of migraines.

I, personally, have been using Magnesium and B vitamin supplementation with success.   I have noticed a decrease in the number of headaches that I get overall and the ones I have gotten have been minor and easily remedied with ibuprofen.  I am happy with the results.

In addition, I use ice packs on my head and neck. an ice pack at the base of the scull at onset will help to restrict the blood vessels and hopefully prevent the surge of blood rushing to your brain that causes the pain. This has been “debunked” by some doctors, but I have had success with it and continue to use it regularly. I have even purchased these migraine ice packs for my my family for those of us who suffer. These soft ice packs are nice, too, because they conform to your body.

Do you have any natural ways of preventing migraines?

Natural Migraine Treatment and Prevention